Today, there are two ways to develop software under the heaven. Namely:
- A game of infinite whac-a-mole (virtually all of the software development today)
- Quadractic improvements (the pattern)
To understand today's game of infinite whac-a-mole let's create a matrix, rows are applications and columns are features
| application | monitoring | database access | queues | logging | proxying | load balancing | .. | feature 1000th |
| app 1 | | | | | | | | |
| app 2 | | | | | | | | |
| app 3 | | | | | | | | |
| ... | | | | | | | | |
| app 1000th | | | | | | | | |
This matrix is of many applications in rows interacting with the same features. There can be very many features and very many apps. In our imaginary matrix we have 1000 features and we have a thousand apps.
Today what happens in big companies, developers are being hired to whack moles in this table for some apps or features. Developers are being thrown to at this table, for instance, to build load balancers for the apps, to build persistence for the apps, or just develop apps and talk with infra if you need some components done.
Basically, developers can cover only small parts of this table. Imagine, performance team is created and they need to expose metrics for a certain application to collect them. They need to go through specific apps and mark only one square of this table as completed. Same with many other features. Sometimes improvements are quadratic, for instance, in kubernetes cluster logging is built once and all apps logs go to one place. Or, for instance, NixOS is a quadratic improvement because it gives reproducible builds if all the apps use it. But anyway, whenever your task is "go to such and such an app and fix this bug about such and such feature not working" - you're whacking one x on this infinite table. You're doing monkey's work putting out fires forever. For instance, some database query is not tested, returns null somewhere and system doesn't work and that's extra work. Or some golang garbage app leaks memory due to having very weak abstractions (don't forget to manually put your precious defer everywhere, faggots! I'll just use rust and don't do that at all and resources will be reclaimed automatically).
With the pattern we focus only on quadratic improvements. We do things once, and cover them for every app. We prevent entire class of bugs because we use only rust and ocaml. No nil pointer exceptions and no defer garbage like in golang. We cover database access for the entire column for every single app in the infrastructure - we know that queries that apps use are valid, backwards compatible and that hit indexes (no seq scans in production). We write once to check queries that apps use and we know all applications in our infrastructure will have the same property of only using valid queries that hit indexes. We write once prometheus exports as data for every app, then code is generated for that app to increment specific global variable about a metric and it will always work the first time for every app under the sun (if the prometheus variable is not used by the app that's a compiler warning as error and cannot end up in production). We have backwards compatible structs for every app and application can only use typesafe structures to access the queues and it will always work.
With the pattern, you typically do things once per feature column and all applications benefit. How many entries this matrix has, a million? Say it is million units of work. If one developer on average does 1000 units of work in a given year then you'd need 1000 developers to maintain all of this table. However, if you go quadratic, use the pattern, and you fill column for every application at once, that's only 1000 units of work and can be done by one developer in a reasonable amount of time. You see, when I said the pattern allows one person to do the work of 1000 developers I wasn't kidding. Square root of one million is one thousand, no? How much less work you'd have if you didn't have to test every application as thoroughly with integration tests and spinning up of machines? Knowing they interact with the rest of the system with perfect typesafety? Knowing your performance counters are automatically incremented when interacting with database or with queue? Counting every byte sent to queue or database? Knowing you automatically have monitoring of a thread for 100% of CPU usage of that thread? Knowing you have preplanned autoscaling policies in place ready?
That's why I don't consider big companies seriously. You'd think that people in google are supposed to be smart but golang is an utter half-assed trash. And that is easy to explain - they have thousands of developers to play infinite whac-a-mole. Tiny brain of an average googler never had to think about how to accomplish most work with the least hands. Most people who work there are a tiny cog in a wheel that do very specific small task and that are easily replaceable. Of course, just like in weight lifting, if you go into a work every day and only do ten sets with minimal weight your muscle won't grow. The only way to grow muscle is pushing it to the limit, doing few reps until failure with heavy weights you can barely lift.
The only way to reach infinite productivity is to be in a position where you're alone and you need to perform infinite amount of work. Like God is and God alone created everything:
Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any. - Isaiah 44:8
God of the bible doesn't know any gods beside him. Nobody helped him. Yet he alone had to create all the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that in them is. Leftist faggots, whenever they have their pathetic small work of being a kubernetes admin, they dismiss the ideas that replace them. Everything is relative! There's no panacea! Everything has pro's and con's! Yaml's are fine! Do more integration tests! We yaml maintaining monkeys are needed, pay us our salary! We need performance team! Ruby is fine, just write more tests and have more coverage! Many divided github repositories are fine, just do more integration tests! Hire more QA testers! When with the pattern when you go quadractic you can easily fire 90% of them and do things much faster.
Eventually 99% of developers will be easily replaceable and fireable, most work done today replaced with quadratic systems of the pattern. There will be only a need for a masculine plane developers that makes all things work together and understand how all things work through and through. Not some monkey who knows specific kubernetes yamls (which in the future will all be generated without mistake anyway with the pattern) and isn't capable of anything else. The developer that will be most useful in the future will be someone who is in God's image - knowing of how everything works in the system together. The rest will be people working in feminine plane who use the system in a typesafe way, filling in the blanks in the pattern system and hence will get much lower salaries due to much lower understanding requirements to do their job. Like in customer support where the vast majority of employees are women.
Just like when God created this earth - a huge framework where out of the box there is food, water, oxygen, sun for heat and energy, fertile soil, useful animals already and etc. - we just needed to use them without necessarily knowing intricate details of how everything works together.
Have a good day, bois!