My Coding Cult

Main Thesis => Development Tips => Topic started by: CultLeader on June 12, 2022, 11:03:08 AM

Title: The winner takes it all
Post by: CultLeader on June 12, 2022, 11:03:08 AM
Sup bois. Let's talk about some principle which explains why democracy cannot work ever work and inevitably one platform will emerge which will be unbeatable compared to others and will get all the userbase in the entire world eventually.

Things among things cannot ever be equal as explained in the world of inequality thesis. Also, in assumptions thesis I've demonstrated that more information equals more assumptions and more assumptions equals simplicity.

From this logic flow comes inevitable conclusion that to create utter and perfect simplicity you have to have all the information. From this we reach conclusion that we must have all of our information in one place so we could use it in any way imaginable, to check any assumptions and design decisions we want in our data. This is how the pattern was born.

This is all theoretical, and makes perfect sense once you understand the pattern, but someone who hasn't tried the pattern might not see it clearly at the first. This is why I love using real world examples in my posts to connect these theoretical ideas to reality to make them easy to understand for average developer. Let's talk about systemd.

The curious case of systemd

So, in a nutshell, unix bois were using init scripts to start their background services. They look horrible, are hard to maintain and are based on shell scripts. Thankfully, I've never written init.d scripts and thanks to systemd I will never have to.

Then came some guy which said the obvious thing, which you could easily deduce independently if you know the pattern and that assumptions lead to simplicity: if we know dependencies between services we can make boot order faster than with generic sysvinit scripts which start stuff at who knows when. So, basically, systemd units define services declaratively, as data. This is still far from the power of the pattern, which encompasses all infrastructure and every service within it (similarly like Nixops does, but not dynamically typed and easier to maintain and understand).

There was a huge pushback against systemd from linux bois. And usually I couldn't care less about what linux monkeys think about anything. They cannot understand to this day why they still don't have a normally functioning desktop linux distribution that would be adopted in the mainstream and why year of linux desktop is still a dream in a soyfaggot's mind. The problem in linux monkey's mind is that they cannot conceieve value in all things working together. For them it is always "this and this small service must work independently, doesn't know anything about anything, and somehow magically integrate to the system and stuff should somehow randomly work".

Anybody who used any linux desktop for some time usually brick their system after upgrades, installing debian, yum or other packages and God forbid they try to do any funny stuff with drivers once they start working. A package is expected to be thrown in the environment it knows nothing about, it knows nothing how system is already optimized and what is done to it and it somehow needs to figure it all out how to install itself without corrupting the system, and there is no downgrade option. That's why I think in linux no distro besides NixOS, which has downgrades, latest software, reproducible builds, has any right to exist and waste everyone's time.

The monkey minds who think linux desktop is great, except when it stops working after a year or two (depending on how tech savvy you are and how much you demand from your system) made a huge pushback against systemd, which solved practical problem of spinning up services in a decent way and faster boot order with dependencies. From the standpoint of the pattern, systemd is a super tiny step towards defining everything as data, has practical benefits of practically improving everyone's life with efficiency and service management. Systemd is definitely an improvement, yet degenerate linux pagan monkeys abhorred it, without even knowing why. Like dogs without understanding that bark at any passing person.

What I want to say with this? Systemd is a super small subset of the pattern, gives a few improvements in a single system. Good that it was adopted. But the endgame is the pattern and having all of the single companies data, as services, apis, databases, typed queues defined as data.

What will happen when an open source system will emerge that will have all the abstractions software developers need defined as data in a single codebase? I only do pattern for myself and don't open source it, because I wouldn't want imbeciles filling out pull requests for 100 features, making it generic and horrible - it is now perfect for me.

But inevitably, a day will come, where there will be one open source distribution of the pattern (similarly to serverless framework, but typesafe and not javascript garbage) supporting one database, one queue management system, one monitoring framework, one logging solution, one scheduler and one underlying operating system distribution (likely NixOS and its declaration files would be used as low level assembly in the pattern solution).

The day this day comes, 90% of devops/sre yaml and spreadsheet masturbators will become useless, 99% of pre deployment logical errors (like we have to have three or five zookeepers for quorum, or this data structure upgrade is not backwards compatible) will be caught by analyzing the data in the pattern. What will happen to worthless dynamically typed languages like ruby and javascript which must have monkeys maintaining them?

Incremental thinking

I remember some talk about go, improving garbage collection latency or something like that. Some guy spake about a cycle: we make efficient hardware. Then software becomes slow. We improve software. Then hardware becomes slow. We improve hardware. And so on and so on. We don't have to be as stupid as them. All that we need to do, to make drastic improvements and to see the endgame clearly - let's have everything as data. If we have everything as data, we become a small tech god in our own limited universe and we have ultimate power with the pattern. We can restrict any service talking to anything, its cores, what interfaces it sees - simply at compile time. No need to dynamically check access - it is restricted in the language, hence more efficient. If we have all as data, 90%+ abstactions/devops/infrastructure tools no longer make sense. They are hugely complex, fighting lack of information, they do incremental improvements at best, yet they cannot holistically take all the information and use all that power to get the best possible experience.

Linux monkeys are so far behind apple, which optimized their entire m1 chip to WORK TOGETHER with their software and give the best experience that it is not even funny. MuH fReE sOfTwArE mAdE bY dIvIdEd iMbEcIlE mOnKeYs wHeRe mUh sLiDeS dOnT eVeN wOrK aT tHiS tImE.

Don't be a monkey, don't zone into the small part of the system, treat it as a low level irrelevant swappable assembly (I'll make separate post about this assembly), think holistically, of making everything work together and you'll be miles ahead of every "eVeRyThInG iS a fIlE, i hATe sYsTeMd" unix imbecile.