The pattern V2 architecture

Started by CultLeader, August 01, 2022, 05:06:31 PM

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This posts assumes you have read the main thesis and are familiar with the concept of the pattern.

Sup, after doing the pattern for some time something inevitably happened that happens in every craftsmanship.

I happed to improve upon initial designs.

So, I want to list a few pain points I had working with the pattern v1:

1. Representing abstractions as data is kind of tedious, even in high level programming language like OCaml. You need to write functions, with default arguments and stuff. Ideally, I'd see only data when I'm working with data and not be burdened by programming language concepts.

2. Proving stuff about your data is possible, but not too convenient. For instance, it is trivial to write SQL queries against data, but if you need to iterate in loops against same data doing what SQL would do becomes tedious pretty quickly.

3. Adding data is annoying. I used to have one list in ocaml with all rest endpoints, but if you need more teams, or logical splitting across files then you need to write them by hand to be merged.

What is the solution?

I inevitably came to the conclusion that there needs to be a separate data language to what I want to do where abstractions can be represented simply and trivially.

Hereby, I introduce EdenDB with its own Eden Data Language (.edl file extension) (covered in the separate post).

So, the new architecture, instead of two layers has three layers:
1. Data platform, highest level of data defined with Eden Data Language
2. Codegen layer, to generate all typesafe abstractions from our high level data language
3. The final feminine plane layer, where the user just fills in the blanks programming against typesafe interfaces

The rest of the posts in this board will be about development and implementation of the version 2 of the pattern, it will become an open source project available to everyone.