Broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction

Started by CultLeader, March 23, 2022, 09:37:41 AM

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Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. - Matthew 7:13-14

I, as usual, was arguing my ideas with some people. Recently I argued with a literal faggot (literal faggot).

The argument from my side is very simple and I'll repeat it 100th time - if you have your problems defined as data in one place you can analyze them any way you want and catch a lot of otherwise very hard to catch errors before production. You should always strive to represent your problems as data if you want to produce correct and working software from the get go.

And the arguments of the faggots always boil down to such things: we'll, some developer might not want to write SQL. Or, some developers prefer ruby. Or, data in database changes, statistics change or what not.

That is, they can always find some edge case, as if it is justification to throw out overall solidity of the system for one minute detail that ought to be brought down to our control eventually anyway.

Let me give you an example of what they do. For instance, Rust, as long as you write safe code you cannot have segfaults. Faggot can say "we'll, you write unsafe code and have a segfault in Rust, hence the idea of Rust is invalid!". You see what these people do? They would dismiss the entire idea of Rust because of edge case of writing unsafe code which ought to be avoided. They dismiss the idea of the pattern, which catches 90% of trivial errors before deploying something to production because of some edge case that can still sneak into 10%, which we didn't cover yet. But, given we know enough data about our domain, we could finish even that in the long run.

Let's entertain the analogy of a kings house. House of the king is clean, spotless, everyone is dressed in good clothes and everyone smells nice. Interior has very expensive furniture. Then comes some poor fellow from the street, with dirty clothes, dirty feet and smells like hell. What will the king do to such a man? To go in front of the king you need to look appropriately and follow the rules of the king's house.

The pattern, meta executable with our domain problems defined as data is the house of the king. We have certain rules. We enforce our contracts with typesafety so we wouldn't see these errors in production. We perform custom static assertions and analyses on our data. Hence why I use OCaml and Rust in our king's house. If we want to bring in the likes of Ruby in our house, this would be equivalent of bringing in the smelly, dirty bozo which takes a dump on our golden floor of our royal house. We cannot have that. How can we ensure that Ruby upholds our type signatures we set for database queries and queues if Ruby itself cannot enforce its own types? Ruby is a dirty bozo that doesn't even go into the shower to wash his clothes. Same with Python, Javascript. Why should we bring such languages into our royal house, and make our house smell like shit because dynamically typed languages cannot enforce the basic contracts, which we could generate, but which would never be enforced?

Hence, the argument - some developers are familiar with Ruby, hence we need to support it, is worthless. I could say, some bozo sleeping near the dumpster wants to drive a lamborghini. So what? The crowd of dynamically typed ruby/python/javascript faggots are not to be considered when making decisions, their votes mean nothing. If they wanted a vote in the system of the pattern, where all honourable participants of the system honour their contracts, they need to wash themselves (in javascript, for instance, they'd must use typescript), wash their clothes, humble themselves and ask admittance to the king's house.

Current software companies are like third world countries. No law, no order. Most developers are dirty, smelly bozo's. They schedule meetings about how to make two or more components work together, because typesystem is in the mind of the bozo developer and he has to remember if there will be errors (which problem you'd never have with the pattern, as compiler is thinking for you). Hence the development is slow and everyone is frustrated.

You see, it is very easy to defile yourself. A virgin girl can lose her virginity drunk to some school bad boy and become defiled for the rest of her life, whom no self respecting man will want to marry. Also, sluttery destroys morality of the nation as well (Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness. - Leviticus 19:29). It is very easy to spray graffiti on the wall of your house making it look like it was vandalized by irresponsible teenagers that didn't receive whooping when growing up. It is very easy to do things wrong and go out of the way and make everyone else around you to suffer. Like Jesus said, broad is the way of destruction, but narrow is the way that leadeth unto life and few will find it.

Hence, we must separate ourselves from the world and its insanity, same principle for the church and same for the software development.

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. - 2 Corinthians 6:17

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. - 1 John 2:15-17

Here's the illustration of what I mean. There's the sea of wrong, and developer, if he wants to develop in the sea of wrong he uses services like swagger declarations of http requests and then writes them by hand in his service. He uses non typesafe rails database, writes tests, hopes it works. He uses random data format when interacting with queues - millions of places where trivial mistakes can be made.

Below, in the sea of wrong, we have our royal built house with the pattern. We have few abstractions, like typesafe interactions with postgres database, typesafe interactions with queues, typesafe calls to other REST API services. We label queries if they are mutating the database, or are readonly. We can have stress testing of certain postgres queries which will be generated since we have our queries as data. We automatically create prometheus variables for every single query we have. We store every single query ever executed against the database, with their arguments, in clickhouse table for analyzing. We have our typesafe, efficient, binary format logging system, where we could generate how those will be represented in the frontend.

In our house, there's one law, one order, one way to do things. We only allow typesafe languages in our house. We have fewer, but super solid abstractions that ALL HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER in the same ecosystem and we don't need to support hundreds of databases/queues and so on. We do not write yamls (unless generated from typesafe config). Our configurations are typesafe enums where, for instance, I don't specify a port of kafka service, I specify with enum which cluster of kafka service talks to and all ports must be defined for every cluster and are checked if they are valid, cannot clash on the same machine and so on.

To build the house of the king took time, but once it is built, you cannot imagine you were a dirty bozo once living in the street and digging dumpsters once.

Have a nice day bois.