Don't rent a bycicle long term, build a car

Started by CultLeader, October 24, 2021, 04:10:18 PM

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Today I want to talk about another issue leftist software developers today mess up. The wording "Proudly found elsewhere", "Humble thyself and reuse", "Trust libraries written by experts" etc.

I want to explain why this approach becomes meaningless the more mature and old your project is.

You see, when you want to start a project you are attacked by countless choices for a web framework, databases, queues, infra management tools and what not. Examples seem sweet, "Look at this common case, so little code, so shiny! Use me, this framework and be productive and happy!". Every framework offers its own abstractions which it deals with and shows these as beautiful.

Devil is in the details. Now ask yourself, are developers making their frameworks make them to you? No, they make it for a group of people. And that group of people can vary wildly in what they use. Hence, any third party framework can only be generic to the lowest common denominator which satisfies a subset of people. We discussed in specific vs generic thesis how generic things will never be perfectly simple since they are not specific enough for the problem at hand. You can cut salami, wood and bang nails with an axe, but axe would be a generic tool. What you want specifically for the most convenient job is a knife for salami, axe for wood and hammer for nails.

So, unsuspecting developers get lured into yet another web framework with all its subtelties and another baggage of knowledge needs to be established in the brain until you become productive. To make matters worse, if the company becomes successful, it becomes painstainkingly obvious that the framework was never intended for multimillion lines of code, like ruby on rails. Having to maintain millions of lines of code written with dynamically typed language would cause me to become suicidal. But it just becomes too late, and people start huge projects, to split their dear monolith, no refactorings are ever guaranteed to succeed in ruby and the little framework that started so shiny with "look ma, so little code" becomes unbearable, bug ridden burden to the entire company, simply because, people who started with the framework didn't know any better, had no hindsight, and the entire company has to suffer because of early poor technology choices.

What is the alternative you ask? Glad you asked! The alternative, is going to the complete opposite spectrum, which is the pattern. Owning most of your abstractions, like infra management tools, your web framework, your frontend reactive framework. And that sounds crazy at first glance, to someone who doesn't know the power of the pattern and how it makes all of your abstractions much simpler then you'll get anywhere else just because they solve more specific problem to your needs.

The only reason I'd ever pick a generic framework like rails is for short term projects, or prototyping, if you want to get up to speed to see if your project can be successful to begin with. Then, as soon as I know that we're dealing in the long term game I'd start working on the pattern solution for the company ASAP.

You see, it is not obvious to start with the pattern, to own your abstractions. But once you get there, and you have a successful company with the pattern, and you deliver stuff so fast and correctly that everyone's head is spinning and you solve such mountains of problems which little strokes of code that work with your well defined data - no generic framework will ever be able to compete with that.

Which generic framework will offer you at a stroke, in few lines of code to, say:
1. declare a new application
2. declare which typesafe queues it will use
3. declare which typesafe database interactions it will perform
4. have it instantly all monitored according to the abstractions the app uses
5. deploy it in production and it interacts with the rest of your ecosystem correctly the first time

The answer is none, all needs to be done by hand if you take up some used up third party bycicle. And it is error prone and unproductive. The pattern can do all that, but your typesafe rock solid abstractions have to be built, which takes some time for your specific solution, but the benefits will be enjoyed forevermore. You can even have your team names in the pattern and assign enum on which team is responsible for what service. The sky is the limit of what can be done with the pattern.

And every reasonably sized company ought to have their own meta executable with the pattern with their specific use cases. For instance, the pattern of a 3d game developer will be radically different from the pattern of web application shop company. But in their own right, since their meta executable is specific to them, you are then free to not bend to the wills any framework tries to impose on you, but what will be best for the company.

Imagine checking just in one executable that entire network that spans any number of datacenters that no switches have loops, that there are no duplicate ips, that there are no duplicate ports on any server you have, that on any given server you do not exceed declared RAM capacity for what applications will be running. Imagine enforcing via iptables rules that service a can only talk to service b only with typesafe interfaces. All ran in few milliseconds, without spinning up servers in the cloud, just for the fact that you have your problems defined as data and you can reap all the benefits of having complete and total control and knowledge about your entire infrastructure. Don't like some abstraction? Delete and refactor your entire infrastructure at once and be done! No need to synchronize and think about 5 different endpoints that will not work once you shutdown the service.

This is unbeatable. People narrow down their projects like nutjobs, they create service to control dns but it doesn't work with anything else. Then they create more crappy, narrow scope services for orchestration, for network proxy, for CI and nothing ever works together and everyone needs to patch that garbage day and night and praying everything will work.

Why not have all that data, about your services, about your network, infrastructure, databases, their tables and their queries in one place where meta executable could ensure everything is working perfectly together? Leftist degenerate mindsets of today will never figure it out on their own.

So, for any longer term project, you should build the pattern with specific abstractions to you and have perfectly bonded infrastructure to your company. The initial cost will be greater than starting with out of the box framework, but once you get through a steep start of building abstractions you'll have absolute control over your project and abstractions that blow out any third party garbage out of the water. The start with the pattern is slower but the rewards are infinite.

I'll just illustrate what productivity looks with the pattern as the project ages and matures versus taking some garbage off the shelf which was never customly tailored for your company specifically

Have a good day, bois.